Tags to Color Code Ms Access Gurus      

Tool > Add-in > Color VBA Code

Quickly insert tags for coloring VBA that is posted on web pages and in forums. Color Comments GREEN and Keywords BLUE for VBA.

Since this is just an ACCDB that has been renamed, it is Free and not protected so you can learn.

Quick Jump

Screen shot

Open a form to generate colored code for VBA no matter what database you have open.

Color Code Form

Choose the type of tags you want, paste the code to tag, and copy the result to the Windows clipboard or generate a file with the resulting code with tags.

Code is displayed on web pages with color

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Tags Sets

Choose what format you want for the tags. Modify tags to be inserted:

sets of tags

Copy to Clipboard

Copy the result code to the Windows clipboard.

Save to File

Create or modify file with code results. There is no prompt for filename. You can modify this to browse and choose your own filename. By default, files will be created in the CurrentDb path.

Keywords used Query

If you chose to color keywords blue, then they were counted too. The query shows what keywords your code uses, and what it uses most.


This has NOTHING to do with coloring code ... just threw it in since I always run it. And until I make an Add-in with utilities like this, it will save me some time.

VBA > Table > SetSubDatasheetNone http://msaccessgurus.com/VBA/Code/table_SetSubDatasheetNone.htm

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Steps to install an add-in

  1. Run Access As Administrator
    • Right-click on the MSACCESS.EXE file or a shortcut to it
    • Choose "Run as administrator"
  2. Open any database.
  3. On the DATABASE TOOLS ribbon tab, drop down the list under the Add-ins icon.
  4. Choose the Add-in Manager.
  5. Add New...
  6. Browse to the ACCDA file and click Open.
  7. Close the Add-in Manager.

Color Code is now on the Add-ins menu.

(Color Code shows on the Add-ins menu

video tutorial: How to Make and Install an Access Add-In

Watch on YouTube

Watch on Experts-Exchange

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Option Compare Database 
Option Explicit 
'*************** Code Start *****************************************************
' download:
'  http://msaccessgurus.com/tool/Addin_ColorCode.htm
 ' code behind form: f_ColorCODE_s4p
' Purpose  : COLOR CODE: Comments Green and, optionally, Keywords Blue
' Author   : crystal (strive4peace)
' License  : below code
' Tool List: www.msaccessgurus.com/tools.htm

'needs module:
'  mod_SaveStringAsFile
'     http://msaccessgurus.com/VBA/Code/File_SaveStringAsFile.htm
'  mod_SetSubDatasheetNone (not needed to color code -- extra button in form footer)
'     http://msaccessgurus.com/VBA/Code/table_SetSubDatasheetNone.htm
'  s4p_Code one record is used over and over.
'     future: option to save and name code, store in another BE
'  s4p_KeyWords is keywords + count how many times they're used in last analysis
'  s4p_Sets for sets of tags to use such as BBCode or HTML
'query for SetID combo:
'  qSets

Dim mbLoad As Boolean 

'           Form_Load
Private Sub Form_Load() 
'200410 strive4peace
   'clear old data
   Me.codeOrig = Null 
   Me.codeResult = Null 
   mbLoad = True 
   Call SetID_AfterUpdate 
End Sub 

'           SetID_AfterUpdate
Private Sub SetID_AfterUpdate() 
'200426 strive4peace, 2112069 chkAddBR
   With Me.SetID 
      If IsNull(.Value) Then Exit Sub 

      'get default tags to write for this setting
      Me.TagCode1 = Nz(.Column(2), "") 
      Me.TagCode2 = Nz(.Column(3), "") 
      Me.TagComment1 = Nz(.Column(4), "") 
      Me.TagComment2 = Nz(.Column(5), "") 
      Me.TagKeyword1 = Nz(.Column(6), "") 
      Me.TagKeyword2 = Nz(.Column(7), "") 
      Me.chkAddBR = (Nz(.Column(10), "0") <>  "0") 
   End With 

   'don't update result when form is loading
   If Not mbLoad Then 
      Call codeOrig_AfterUpdate  'write Me.codeResult
      mbLoad = False 
   End If 
End Sub 

'           cmd_Query_Click
Private Sub cmd_Query_Click() 
   DoCmd.OpenQuery  "qKeywordsCount"
End Sub 

'           codeOrig_AfterUpdate
Private Sub codeOrig_AfterUpdate() 
'200410-12 strive4peace, 200426-29 keywords, 211205,6 bAddBreak
' write Me.codeResult
'read lines from codeOrig
'construct string to post in codeResult with specified tags
'process one line at a time
' s4p_Keywords: read KeyWd, KeyID. write CountUsed, dtmEdit
   If IsNull(Me.codeOrig) Then 
      GoTo Proc_WriteResult 
   End If 
   Dim db As DAO.Database _ 
      ,rs As DAO.Recordset 
   Dim sOrig As String _ 
      ,sDeliLine As String _ 
      ,sLine As String _ 
      ,sComment As String _ 
      ,sKeep As String _ 
      ,sClip As String _ 
      ,sQuote As String _ 
      ,sLeft As String _ 
      ,sWord As String _ 
      ,sTagComment1 As String _ 
      ,sTagComment2 As String _ 
      ,sTagKeyword1 As String _ 
      ,sTagKeyword2 As String _ 
      ,sSQL As String _ 
      ,bAddBreak As Boolean _ 
      ,vResult As Variant 
   Dim iPosComment As Integer _ 
      ,iPosQuote1 As Integer _ 
      ,iPosQuote2 As Integer _ 
      ,iPosChar As Integer _ 
      ,iLine As Integer _ 
      ,iWord As Integer _ 
      ,iNumKeyTag As Integer _ 
      ,i As Integer 
   Dim bInTag As Boolean _ 
      ,bAllComment As Boolean _ 
      ,bKeepGoing As Boolean 
   Dim aLine() As String 
   Dim aPosComment() As Integer  'position of comment or 0
   Dim aAllComment() As Boolean  'true to ignore keyword processing
   Dim aWord() As String  'possible keywords to evaluate
   Dim aCharReplace() As Variant 
   aCharReplace = Array( "(", ")", ",") 
   Dim aCountKey() As Integer  'count how many times each keyword used
   iNumKeyTag = 0 

   'set delimiter for lines
   sDeliLine = vbCrLf 
   'initialize vResult
   vResult = Null 
   With Me 
      'exit if code to process is blank
      If Nz(.codeOrig, "") =  "" Then GoTo Proc_WriteResult 
      'code to process
      sOrig = .codeOrig 
      'set text to add before and after comment
      sTagComment1 = Nz(.TagComment1, "") 
      sTagComment2 = Nz(.TagComment2, "") 
      sTagKeyword1 = Nz(.TagKeyword1, "") 
      sTagKeyword2 = Nz(.TagKeyword2, "") 
      bAddBreak = .chkAddBR 
   End With 
   bInTag = False 
   bAllComment = False 

   'split code at line breaks
   aLine = Split(sOrig,sDeliLine) 

   'for each line, track position of comment + if all comment
   ReDim aPosComment(UBound(aLine)) 
   ReDim aAllComment(UBound(aLine)) 
   '------------------------------------------------------------ COMMENTS
   'process each line -- insert color code before and after comment
   For iLine = LBound(aLine) To UBound(aLine) 
      sLine = aLine(iLine) 
      bAllComment = False 
      iPosQuote1 = 0 
      iPosQuote2 = 0 
      aPosComment(iLine) = 0  'initialize to no comment
      aAllComment(iLine) = False 
      sQuote =  ""
      'see if there is a single quote inside the string
      iPosComment = InStr(sLine, "'") 
      If iPosComment > 0 Then 
         If Left(Trim(sLine),1) =  "'" Then 
            bAllComment = True 
            'make sure single quote isn't inside double quotes
            bKeepGoing = True 
            Do While bKeepGoing 
               'see if there is a double quote before the single quote
               iPosQuote1 = InStr(Left(sLine,iPosComment), """") 
               If iPosQuote1 > 0 Then 
                  'see if there is a double quote after the single quote
                  iPosQuote2 = InStr(iPosComment + 1,sLine, """") 
                  If iPosQuote2 > 0 Then 
                     'look for another single quote after the double quote end
                     iPosComment = InStr(iPosQuote2 + 1,sLine, "'") 
                     If Not iPosComment > 0 Then 
                        bKeepGoing = False 
                     End If 
                     bKeepGoing = False 
                  End If 
                  bKeepGoing = False 
               End If 
         End If 
      End If 
      If iPosComment > 0 Then    'or bAllComment
         aPosComment(iLine) = iPosComment  '200426 for keyword search
         If bInTag And Not bAllComment Then 
            'comment is at end of line
            'end previous comment
            vResult = vResult & sTagComment2 
            bInTag = False 
         End If 
         If Not bInTag Then 
            sLine = Left(sLine,iPosComment - 1) _ 
               & sTagComment1 _ 
               & Mid(sLine,iPosComment) 
            bInTag = True 
         End If 
         If bInTag = True Then 
            vResult = vResult & sTagComment2 
            bInTag = False 
         End If 
      End If 
      aAllComment(iLine) = bAllComment 
      vResult = (vResult + vbCrLf) & sLine 
   Next iLine 
   '200426 add closing tag for comment color
   If bInTag Then 
      vResult = vResult & sTagComment2 
      bInTag = False 
   End If 
   '------------------------------------------------------------ KEYWORDS
   'color keywords
   If Me.chkDoKeywords = True And Not Trim(Nz(vResult, "")) =  "" Then 
      Set db = CodeDb 
      'update Keywords CountUsed=0
      sSQL =  "UPDATE s4p_KeyWords SET CountUsed=0"
      With db 
         .Execute sSQL 
         'get max KeyID
         sSQL =  "SELECT Max(KeyID) as MaxKeyID FROM s4p_KeyWords;"
         Set rs = .OpenRecordset(sSQL,dbOpenDynaset)  'Dynaset loads faster
         i = rs!MaxKeyID 
         'load the list of keywords
         Set rs = .OpenRecordset( "s4p_KeyWords",dbOpenTable) 
      End With 
      'set index to word text for fast looking up
      rs.Index =  "KeyWd"
      'track stats for keywords
      ReDim aCountKey(1 To i)  'currently 183
      sOrig = vResult  'add previous tags for comments (if any) to original code
      vResult = Null  'reset to use again
      'split code at line breaks
      aLine = Split(sOrig,sDeliLine) 

      'loop all lines again. Search for keywords before the comment (if there is one)
      For iLine = LBound(aLine) To UBound(aLine) 
         'line of code + possible tagged comment
         sLine = aLine(iLine) 
         sClip = sLine  'assume the whole line is code
         sComment =  "" 'part of line that's a comment
         sKeep =  "" 'code with tags for color
         'look for keywords if line isn't all comment or just space
         If Not aAllComment(iLine) And Len(Trim(sLine)) > 0 Then 
            If aPosComment(iLine) > 0 Then 
               'break into code and comment
               If aPosComment(iLine) > 0 Then 
                  sClip = Left(sLine,aPosComment(iLine) - 1) 
                  sComment = Mid(sLine,aPosComment(iLine)) 
               End If 
            End If 

            'sClip is the code to process
            Do While sClip <>  ""

               'ignore quoted text
               iPosQuote1 = 1 
               iPosQuote2 = 0 
               sQuote =  "" 'text in double quotes and the quotes
               sLeft =  "" 'what is left to process after quoted text

               'see if any text on the line is in quotes
               'look for next double quote
               iPosQuote1 = InStr(iPosQuote1,sClip, """") 
               'if quote found, see if there is another one
               If iPosQuote1 > 0 Then 
                  iPosQuote2 = InStr(iPosQuote1 + 1,sClip, """") 
                  If iPosQuote2 > 0 Then 
                     'store quoted text with quote marks
                     sQuote = Mid(sClip,iPosQuote1,iPosQuote2 - iPosQuote1 + 1) 
                     'get what is on the line after the quote
                     sLeft = Mid(sClip,iPosQuote2 + 1) 
                     'code to look for keywords
                     sClip = Left(sClip,iPosQuote1 - 1) 
                     '-- if not found, this might be an error!
                  End If 
               End If 
               If Trim(sClip) <>  "" Then 
                  'replace ( ) , with space around them
                  For i = LBound(aCharReplace) To UBound(aCharReplace) 
                     sClip = Replace(sClip _ 
                        ,aCharReplace(i) _ 
                        , " " & aCharReplace(i) &  " " _ 
                  Next i 
                  'break words at spaces
                  aWord = Split(sClip, " ") 
                  'now the we have words, construct sClip to have tags too
                  sClip =  ""
                  'loop through words in the clip
                  For iWord = LBound(aWord) To UBound(aWord) 
                     sWord = aWord(iWord) 
                     If Trim(sWord) <>  "" Then 
                        'see if word is a keyword
                        rs.Seek  "=",sWord 
                        If Not rs.NoMatch Then 
                           'add tags around keyword
                           sWord = TagKeyword1 & sWord & TagKeyword2 
                           'increase count for keyword
                           aCountKey(rs!KeyID) = aCountKey(rs!KeyID) + 1 
                           'number of keywords tagged
                           iNumKeyTag = iNumKeyTag + 1 
                        End If 
                     End If 
                     'add word and space to clip
                     sClip = sClip & sWord & IIf(sWord <>  ",", " ",Null) 
                  Next iWord  'word
               End If  'sClip <> ""
               'add tagged clip and possible quote to Keep
               sKeep = sKeep & sClip & sQuote 
               'reset Quote since we got it
               sQuote =  ""
               'new clip is whatever is left
               sClip = sLeft 
            Loop  ' while sClip <> ""
            'remove extra spaces
            For i = LBound(aCharReplace) To UBound(aCharReplace) 
               sKeep = Replace(sKeep _ 
                  , " " & aCharReplace(i) &  " " _ 
            Next i 
            'remove extra tags, for instance between As and String
            sKeep = Replace(sKeep,sTagKeyword2 &  " " & sTagKeyword1, " ") 
            sLine = sKeep & sComment   'redefine sLine to include tags

            sKeep =  ""
         End If  'not all comment
         '211205 option only used for HTML
         If bAddBreak Then 
            sLine = sLine &  " 
" End If 'write newly tagged (or not) line to the result vResult = (vResult + vbCrLf) & sLine keyword__NextLine: Next iLine 'keyword stats If iNumKeyTag > 0 Then 'write keywords and count times used to debug window With rs rs.Index = "PrimaryKey" For i = LBound(aCountKey) To UBound(aCountKey) If aCountKey(i) > 0 Then .Seek "=",i If Not .NoMatch Then .Edit !CountUsed = aCountKey(i) !dtmEdit = Now .Update End If End If Next i End With 'rs End If 'keyword stats End If 'chkDoKeywords=true and has result 'write result to form With Me vResult = (.TagCode1 + vResult + .TagCode2 _ + vbCrLf + vbCrLf _ + "' Made with Color Code add-in posted on http://msaccessgurus.com/tool/Addin_ColorCode.htm" _ ) & "" End With Proc_WriteResult: Me.codeResult = vResult & "" Proc_Exit: On Error Resume Next If Not rs Is Nothing Then rs.Close Set rs = Nothing End If Set db = Nothing Exit Sub Proc_Err: MsgBox Err.Description _ ,, "ERROR " & Err.Number _ & " codeOrig_AfterUpdate : " & Me.Name Resume Proc_Exit 'if you BREAK MsgBox, you can set this to be next statement: Resume End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' cmd_Copy2Clipboard_Click '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub cmd_Copy2Clipboard_Click() '200411 strive4peace 'copy result code to the clipboard Dim sCode As String With Me.codeResult If Nz(.Value, "") = "" Then Exit Sub sCode = .Value End With 'MSForms.DataObject With CreateObject( "new:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}") .SetText sCode .PutInClipboard End With MsgBox "Press Ctrl-V to paste code with tags where you want it",, "Done" End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' cmd_SaveFile_Click '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub cmd_SaveFile_Click() '200429 strive4peace 'CALLS ' SaveStringAsFile Dim sPathFile As String _ ,sExtension As String sExtension = Nz(Me.SetID.Column(9), "txt") If sExtension = "" Then sExtension = "txt" sPathFile = CurrentProject.Path & "\ColorCode_Result." & sExtension With Me.codeResult If Nz(.Value, "") <> "" Then Call SaveStringAsFile(sPathFile,.Value) Else MsgBox "No tagged code to save", "Nothing to do" Exit Sub End If End With If MsgBox(sPathFile & " was created. Open it?" _ ,vbYesNo, "Done with Color Code. Tags added") = vbNo Then Exit Sub Application.FollowHyperlink sPathFile End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' cmd_SetSubDatasheetNone_Click '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub cmd_SetSubDatasheetNone_Click() '200430 s4p. Not needed to color code -- just an extra button in form footer Call SetSubDatasheetNone End Sub ' You may freely use and share this code ' provided this license notice and comment lines are not changed; ' code may be modified provided you clearly note your changes. ' You may not sell this code alone, or as part of a collection, ' without my handwritten permission. ' All ownership rights reserved. Use at your own risk. ' ~ crystal (strive4peace) www.msaccessgurus.com '*************** Code End *******************************************************

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Download updated 6 December 2021

Addin_ColorCode_s4p.zip (650 kb, unzips to an Access ACCDA database file. Should also work in Access 2007)  


This add-in is a regular ACCDB file that has been renamed to have an ACCDA extension. It may be used freely, but you may not sell it in whole or in part. You may include it in applications you develop for others provided you pass on the download link and share the source code and designs with your modifications.

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Back Story

To make it easier to post VBA with colors on web pages, I wrote a little tool in Access. Access World forums is one of the forums that supports CODE tags with rich text ... so I posted a tool to color comments green. MickJav wanted the keywords blue too ... with a little modification, I added keyword coloring and made it an add-in too!

Choose tags for BBCode or HTML. There are actually a few HTML sets, and you can make more if you want by modifying data in the table for sets.

I used the ColorCode add-in to format the code for posting on this web page :) Now its quick to post code that's colored.

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Share with others

here's the link to copy:


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